User: cpp300XPBoost

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User profile: cpp300XPBoost

User info
User name:cpp300XPBoost
Joined:Oct 3, 2015 at 2:59pm
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

Necessary Software to Execute Program
Thanks! That's awesome to know. I created a GUI in QT so that they don't have to see the CMD Prompt ...

Necessary Software to Execute Program
I wrote a program for another department I work with at my company. I would like to just give them ...

costs of c++
Another suggestion on top of those two would be to briefly introduce them to what a GUI is. I didn't...

C++ programming advice
Professors assign reading assignments and expect them to be read. So they LOVE LOVE LOVE to give que...

Opening and Manipulating Other Programs
Thanks @Computergeek01 The API would be proprietary. I wanted to manipulate a program that belongs...

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