User profile: cpluspluschick

User info
User name:cpluspluschick
Bio:I like to laugh, and i like to make people smile.
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

Can someone help please? I'm looking at the program and can't seem to find where I went wrong.

Can someone help please? I'm looking at the program and can't seem to find where I went wrong.
I did.

Can someone help please? I'm looking at the program and can't seem to find where I went wrong.
@AbstractionAnon I tried clicking the <> button but it does nothing.

Can someone help please? I'm looking at the program and can't seem to find where I went wrong.
Thank you so much! :)

Can someone help please? I'm looking at the program and can't seem to find where I went wrong.
I do not, I repeat I don't know or understand functions so before you get rude, fix your attitude, p...