User: coulton gurney

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User profile: coulton gurney

User info
User name:coulton gurney
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

how to allow uppercase characters to be accepted in my password
thanks alot i took sometime to think about and realized that it was a futile effort to even try when...

how to allow uppercase characters to be accepted in my password
hello, ,my name is coulton, i am trying to allow either uppercase or lowercase inputs into my code. ...

Temperature Convertion
also is how do i put the celcuis in another column? i put \t but i imagine its probably in the wrong...

Temperature Convertion
lol Thanks albatross. and my im just starting programming and that is how my book has started off it...

Temperature Convertion
hello i have been trying to convert my temperature from fahrenheit to celcius and i am having troubl...

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