User: concerro

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User profile: concerro

User info
User name:concerro
Location:North Carolina
Statistical data
Birthdate:Dec 29, 1977
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

Goto Command is bad?
First of all I am glad for all the info. Here is what I am getting--> The goto code can be used, bu...

Goto Command is bad?
I have seen several statements that this command is basically a bad thing to use, but nobody ever re...

simulate the goto command in basic
I have tried everything it seems except the "for" loop. Getting the computer to return to the lo...

simulate the goto command in basic
I have a program that is supposed to allow the player and the computer to take turns removing straws...

2 more questions
I am not porting the program. I am writing it from scratch using C++. The program is very simple, at...

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