User: computergi

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User profile: computergi

User info
User name:computergi
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

Begineer - Needs Help - printing and formating issues..
thank you for responding.. yes you were right i did have to move the declaration of list. the sort c...

Formatting and Sorting issue..
thank you that helped to solve my issue of sorting. had to rewrite my sort functions all together. b...

Formatting and Sorting issue..
" Purpose of Program: I am trying to [u]sort[/u] the array of struct Customer Rec data by the .outs...

Begineer - Needs Help - printing and formating issues..
" Purpose of Program: I am trying to [u]sort[/u] the array of struct Customer Rec data by the .ou...

help with sorting structural array ???
Thanks for responding.. sorry no i am trying to sort the array called list[MAX_CUSTOMERS] which is ...

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