User: colonelone

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User profile: colonelone

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User name:colonelone
Number of posts:6
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Question about void getline (...) and structs
I'm finishing a homework assignment involving structs and void getline(...). I need to determine wha...

Need assistance finishing homework, almost done!
I changed it to [code]/* * George Olson 0202411 * Chapter 8 Problem 7 */ #include <iostream>...

Need assistance finishing homework, almost done!
The point of answer.length() is not for the number of strings I'm checking. while(inFile) is used fo...

Need assistance finishing homework, almost done!
But answer.length() should change with every pass through, shouldn't it?

Need assistance finishing homework, almost done!
I made a few changes (thanks guys) but the output is still wrong. The input is: abcdefabcdefab...

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