User: colonelchainsaw

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User profile: colonelchainsaw

User info
User name:colonelchainsaw
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Find the highest number in a file
That just seems to make the program give me my last number a random amount of times instead of the h...

Find the highest number in a file
I am able to generate 100 random numbers but i need to find the highest after that. What i have now ...

Help with do while magic 8 ball
That is what i thought you meant but I figured i ask for clarification. I do appreciate the help you...

Help with do while magic 8 ball
Sorry for the lack of response my classes have kept me busy. When you say never seed the random numb...

Help with do while magic 8 ball
The again after my while is undefined and I am not sure how to fix it. I could you some help. [co...

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