User profile: collinisaac0104

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User name:collinisaac0104
Number of posts:30
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converting type double and int into strings
within the prog, lets say double t * double r =double z and t is 3.12487894537 and r is 7894.23568, ...

converting type double and int into strings
int Number = ???; string String = static_cast<ostringstream*>( &(ostringstream() << Number) )->str(...

converting type double and int into strings
Can this work you think? std::string str = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(dbl); what did you...

converting type double and int into strings
std::ostringstream strs; strs << dbl; std::string str = strs.str(); is their adifferent heade...

converting type double and int into strings
I tried googling too. When I compiled though I would get some crazy errors telling me that what I a...