User: cokane

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User profile: cokane

User info
User name:cokane
Bio:I am Windows 7 and CompTIA A+ Certified
Number of posts:31
Latest posts:

Truncating Issue
I figured my problem out, this thread can be deleted.

Program runs but does not output desired results
So with that in mind.... if you are doing if (in % 2 == 0), what are you actually checking for? [i]...

Program runs but does not output desired results
I have been working on this but still can't get it add the numbers right. [code] int in; int to...

Program runs but does not output desired results
I need to get this program to ignore even numbers and only add positive ODD numbers. The loop is des...

Sorting int's
Changing it to a 2 did the trick, now it works great.

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