User profile: cocoaplus

User info
User name:cocoaplus
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

how to package a project?
Mac applications are in a folder system called a 'bundle' that looks like this: ----Cont...

OPENGL help beginner
Have you seen [i]OpenGL SuperBible[/i] Fourth Edition by Richard S. Wright, Jr. et al?

Xcode C++ play sound file
Please see if you can run the following. Name the file [i][/i] and use Terminal to type in li...

Xcode C++ play sound file
>it doesn't seem to work You need to post the code which 'doesn't work' so that we can see what you ...

Xcode C++ play sound file
Make sure that you drag and drop 'test.mp3' into 'Supporting Files'. I've tested the code and it wo...