User: chris7daly

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User profile: chris7daly

User info
User name:chris7daly
Bio:studying computer science
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

persons name while loop
ok have been at it all day and ive changed it to a do while but its still not working, and when I in...

credit card details
thanks giblet I was maybe abit hasty in thinking it was done last week as it was not working correct...

persons name while loop
the name can consist of letters spces a single quotation mark and a single hyphen. if there is a ill...

credit card details
Thanks very much to both of ye have been at it all day :) but great satisfaction out of getting it d...

credit card details
Hi everyone, im trying to put in a 16 digit credit card with space or "-" after each 4 digits. the c...

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