User: chr15chr15

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User profile: chr15chr15

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User name:chr15chr15
Number of posts:47
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trouble including header and cpp files
All sorted now JMJAtlanta, cheers. It was the case sensitive thing. The documentation I was reading ...

trouble including header and cpp files
Oh ok standardly just me being an idiot. Cheers guys I've sorted it now.

trouble including header and cpp files
Is that not the opposite to what JMJAtlanta said Athar???? When I try it your way round I get tons ...

trouble including header and cpp files
Hi JMJAtlanta. I believe that is exactly how I have it set up but I get that GLFONT was not declared...

trouble including header and cpp files
Thanks for the reply. Not a great deal really. It doesn't really make sense as a solution. What I r...

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