User profile: chorikami

User info
User name:chorikami
Name:Charles Horikami
Location:Montpelier, Idaho
Bio:I teach at Bear Lake Middle School. My topics are US History, Robotics, and most recently Coding. I started coding late 2016, and started C++ in early 2017. Obviously this means that I am teaching what I am learning. I have a lot of books on C++ but sometimes there are things I am not sure about. Hence I will come here to ask questions, so that I can better answer my students questions.
Statistical data
Birthdate:Jul 8, 1988
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

Error correcting user input in a 4 function calculator
I am also still wondering about my original post/topic/question. How do I fix my error correcting s...

Error correcting user input in a 4 function calculator
[quote]Really? You are teaching, but you don't know much yourself?[/quote] Welcome to public school...

Error correcting user input in a 4 function calculator
I know that line 14 calls its own function, which can be dangerous, but that is by design, the entir...

Error correcting user input in a 4 function calculator
I am trying to build a 4 function calculator that acknowledges and corrects input errors. If a user ...