User: ccrowley96

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User profile: ccrowley96

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User name:ccrowley96
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

How to get program to recognize if user enters anything but a number
Thankyou!! I understand the concept but it is still a bit confusing Ill try to experiment and see wh...

How to get computer to guess a number given only "guess higher" or "guess lower" commands?
Thanks for the clarification!

How to get program to recognize if user enters anything but a number
Thanks that actually makes sense! Seeing as you seem to know what your talking about I was wonderin...

How to get computer to guess a number given only "guess higher" or "guess lower" commands?
[code]srand((unsigned)time(0)); int MyNumber = rand()%(100);[/code] I have this (I don't unders...

How to get program to recognize if user enters anything but a number
[code]while (!(cin >> x))[/code] So does this mean when there is an error with the input of x, or do...

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