User profile: calvinfornia

User info
User name:calvinfornia
Number of posts:48
Latest posts:

LRU Cache Simulation Heap Overflow Problem
The problem is that when using small test case, like the one in main, compiler doesn't show any erro...

LRU Cache Simulation Heap Overflow Problem
Hi, I'm new to C and are working on LRU Cache Simulation recently. However, when testing testcase w/...

Error in compiling C++ in Linux server
@salem c Sorry for posting a similar question again. [output]/uhome/chome/2021EDA/2021EDA029/Lab3/c...

Error in compiling C++ in Linux server
Hi, I'm working on a project dealing with Binary-Decision-Diagram(BDD) using CUDD, which is a packag...

Command for compiling C++ on a Linux server
Oh, right! That's the problem! Thx a lot!