User: buyong

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User profile: buyong

User info
User name:buyong
Number of posts:18
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Unknown problem?
[code]// cin >> masterS; cin.ignore( 1024, '\n' ); cin.getline(masterS, 255); [/code]

BM_SETIMAGE & Visual Styles
if you use MFC, you can try CButtonST, it is a open source control, you can use google to get it

Copy folder with more words
system("\"c:\users\my name\ThisFolderIWantToCopy\ \" c:\here\");

C++ Showing files in a directory
Error 2 error C2664: 'FindFirstFileA' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'WIN32_FIND_DATA' to 'LPWIN3...

New to MFC and windowed applications.
I think you can start from a MFC dialog project, it is like VB in some aspect. you add a button, an...

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