User: bubbles

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User profile: bubbles

User info
User name:bubbles
Number of posts:17
Latest posts:

Classes and arrays
Can someone help me write this code? This is my header file: [code]class Scheduler { publi...

Help with multiple classes
So for my assignment i have a date class, time class, event class and schedule class. THis is part b...

Caesars Cipher
So for my assignment, I have created two files, the plain text, and key. What I need help on is fi...

Encrypting and decrypting
What does the c++ code look like for trying to use a plain.txt and a key.txt file to do encryption a...

Simple Encryption
Thanks blacksheep! We were given : offset = (KeyLetter - 'A') + 1 encryptedLetter = 'A' + (origi...

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