User: boomer8809

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User profile: boomer8809

User info
User name:boomer8809
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

help with returning pointer that points to an array
Thank you tcs I almost got it working! I was talking to a fellow classmate and he told me not to use...

help with returning pointer that points to an array
Sorry I'm new to recursion and fairly new to pointers, I am trying to obtain all factors through a ...

help with returning pointer that points to an array
@MikeyBoy I appreciate the example, I understand how to do basic return functions, its the part wher...

help with returning pointer that points to an array
I need help that is for sure, the return value should be a pointer to an array that is filled with ...

help with returning pointer that points to an array
I have a program that is trying to find all factors of an integer given. It needs to be done in a re...

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