User: bobcat854

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User profile: bobcat854

User info
User name:bobcat854
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

Reading numbers from a file
@lastchance Thank you so much! I was just wondering what exactly was the logical error I made in ord...

Reading numbers from a file
Hi, I'm trying to read some numbers from a file called numbers.txt. There are 10 numbers in this fil...

Sum of n Even numbers
@Ganado, yes I was trying to multiply that was my mistake and didn't notice the 2 as well, thanks a ...

Sum of n Even numbers
Just trying to write a basic function that calculates the sum of n even numbers. Ex: n = 3 (2 + 4 + ...

How to retrieve Last element from Linked List
@keskiverto It's like a practice exercise for the Data Structures course, I'm currently taking. The...

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