User: blau10grana

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User profile: blau10grana

User info
User name:blau10grana
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

C language +eXosip2 + pthread
I dont know waht is the return code, it doesnt have to be an error. I am using eXosip2 examples to o...

C language +eXosip2 + pthread
I cannot open multiple ports... [code] int main() { int port1=5070; int port2=5080; int...

C language +eXosip2 + pthread
I dont think it is a problem, eXosip_event_wait() has two inputs but any of them is port number or p...

C language +eXosip2 + pthread
Hi all I am programming simple eXosip2 server for processing SIP text messages. I need to listen ...

C language - signals and events
thanks for link, it was helpful

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