User: bitMerc

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User profile: bitMerc

User info
User name:bitMerc
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

Debugger stopping constantly at __cxa_throw() during execution
Thanks guys for the quicks replies! Awesome! Just checking so that I don't suppress warnings that I...

Debugger stopping constantly at __cxa_throw() during execution
IDE: Code::Blocks Debugger: GDB OS: Linux Mint 64-bit ( 17.3 'Rosa' ) Hello all! I'm using t...

'Uint' has not been declared ( Even with correct Header files )
Thanks helios and Peter87 for the quick replies! @helios I tried that block of code that you provi...

'Uint' has not been declared ( Even with correct Header files )
Hello all! Hope you can help! I can seem to figure out why this error is being thrown, everything s...

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