User profile: bballamis

User info
User name:bballamis
Name:Brendan Ballamis
Location:Orem, UT
Bio:I am a student at Utah Valley University. I don't consider myself an average student in CS, mainly because I chose the field due to my lack of computer knowledge. I don't like not knowing anything about a subject. Job security was also a good reason.
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

Static data member
So I'm getting an error and I'm not sure why. I figured I would throw it out there to see if anyone...

creating a stream object with stdin
Thanks guys, you were a huge help!

creating a stream object with stdin
It is a project for a class where we are learning to program in Unix/Linux. The goal is to simulate...

creating a stream object with stdin
Hello all. I am stuck on a project I am working on, and need some help. I'm still kind of a beginn...

formatted output
I would like to format my output so that it looks like this: [output] Head Movement ...