User: ballurohit

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User profile: ballurohit

User info
User name:ballurohit
Name:ballubhai n rohit
Location:UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Getting compiling error in the cplusplus file
Pl find herewith a file "color.txt" and there are some errors which may please be seen for further ...

typeinfo header file
I also tried to add file extension <typeinfo.h>. Any way I shall try to get rid of, if possible. Th...

typeinfo header file
It is correct. But since I am using C++ turbo compiler. I do not find the said header file as compil...

typeinfo header file
QUOTE From where should I get this header file. This is required in one of the based program.Shoul...

undefined symbol string
I started writing the following program / my first string #include <iostream> #include <s...

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