User: babamublabla

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User profile: babamublabla

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User name:babamublabla
Number of posts:6
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Hey I need help with pass by reference
Ahh I see it now. Thanks for the reply and tips mbozzi :)

Hey I need help with pass by reference
Hello! The goal here is to get the sum of (1/n)^2 aka: (1/1)^2 + (1/2)^2 +...(1/n)^2. Im using pass ...

Can someone explain me pass by reference please
Hello. I need someone to explain me how to write this code by using pass by reference. I managed to ...

I need help with pass by value
I understood it all. What was bugging me was that I was not getting it that when I gave my sum2() th...

I need help with pass by value
Ok first of all thanks for replying. I get your point for 3 and 5. Ohh I see that I messed up mixe...

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