User: aznairjordan

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User profile: aznairjordan

User info
User name:aznairjordan
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

how do i count characters after i get words from text
i found out how to get each individual word from a text file. Now i am trying to limit each line to ...

getting each word from an input
what exactly does inf >> do? if its the same as cin, then it just reads input? i dont really underst...

getting each word from an input
I have written code that gets full lines from a text file. Now i want to be more specific and retrie...

Trying to copy txt from one file to another
wow. thank you LOL

Trying to copy txt from one file to another
oh i see.. how do really pass my files into my function? without declaring the ifstream and ofstream...

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