User profile: avnitoto

User info
User name:avnitoto
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

How can I Convert number to another
Thank you jonnin for your reply I am too weak for c++ I put your code to tenth line, when run it d...

How can I Convert number to another
I think I cant explain what I mean My english is not good, my c++ also lets forget about above t...

How can I Convert number to another
No, when run, For example, First row 1 2 3 4 5 normaly but I want it instead of 1 it wri...

How can I Convert number to another
I am Not Good in c++ When running code, convert 1 to 1 2 2 to 2 3 ...

How to filter
İf you run this program const int NMAX = 8 above it will give 56 row if you run this program co...