User: aswmack

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User profile: aswmack

User info
User name:aswmack
Number of posts:31
Latest posts:

troubles with arrays.
for that function in particular I need to prompt the user for the size characters (which is 11 chara...

troubles with arrays.
when I call the function into main I can enter numbers, but when I try and use my function to print ...

For loops and swapping characters in arrays. (help please)
so if I did this [code]void swap (char letters[11], int current) { int hold; hold = letters[...

troubles with arrays.
hi! so i have an assignment which consist of a bunch of functions. One of the functions is used to r...

For loops and swapping characters in arrays. (help please)
so basically I have to make a function that will swap a character with a character directly to its r...

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