User profile: aslan93

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User name:aslan93
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

increment operators
thanks for the reply oonej... ihutch..we had such questons in our previous college had to...

increment operators
int a, c=11; a =c++ + ++c + ++c; the value of 'a' comes out to be 37. [b]can someone please e...

changing data every time the program is executed
hey...thanks bluecoder...with a little reference and your program..i got my problem solved...thanks ...

changing data every time the program is executed
while working with files, how can i take data stored in a file as input for my variable??? is it pos...

changing data every time the program is executed
what i wish to do is: before 1st entry, the total expense/sum must be zero. after 1st entry, the sum...