User: asgOjEs

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User profile: asgOjEs

User info
User name:asgOjEs
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

what is the function of this instruction - #if 0
Dear Shadow Addict and m4ster roshi, Your information, help and attention is much appreciated. Th...

what is the function of this instruction - #if 0
int test(b,c){ int a = 10; [b]#if 0[/b] a = b; #else a = c; #e...

what is the function of "extern" in C++
Dear everybody, Your information, help and attention is much appreciated..:)..Thanks a lot..:D ...

what is the function of "extern" in C++
Dear all, I have problem to understand what is the function of 'extern' and how to use it..?..Ho...

How to make static constructor
Dear guestgulkan, May you explain me more? Your help and attention is much appreciated. Thank yo...

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