User: amitjakati

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User profile: amitjakati

User info
User name:amitjakati
Number of posts:16
Latest posts:

MFC backward compatibility
Hi all, I had done a MFC project using visual studio 2010 beta. Now I have the Visual studio 6.0....

Calling a function with delay
Hi all, I have a function void CMaskCntl::getloc() which gets the location coordinates. I want...

modeless window
is this the right way to call modeless window from the main window? void CGCTPDlg::OnBnClickedAli...

copying 2 arrays into one array
Thanks for reply. But I have very less time to think. But this was useful. Thanks

copying 2 arrays into one array
Hi, I have the following requirement. I have a array b[]= "MP 2 "; I have a array location[...

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