User: alvinblee

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User profile: alvinblee

User info
User name:alvinblee
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Why are my files not opening?
Oh ok, the output file had some characters OUTSIDE of the src file. Inside of the 3-3 file is: 6 1...

Why are my files not opening?
I put braces around the lines and now it builds but instead of displaying "File would not open," the...

Why are my files not opening?
[code]int main() { ifstream in_stream; ifstream in_stream2; ofstream out_stream; int num1; int...

Why are my files not opening?
Hi, Sorry, I'm a beginner. Fixed the semicolon and the loop. I just put the files in the src folder...

Why are my files not opening?
#include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { ...

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