User: alexprg1920

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User profile: alexprg1920

User info
User name:alexprg1920
Number of posts:19
Latest posts:

how to run service before login
Oh, i've got you! rather interesting! but can you explain more a bit? F.E. SetWindowText... For wh...

how to run service before login
Hm... So, there is no way to do this?... I mean, i need to control logining

how to run service before login
Ok, thanks, kbw! And now the most important part) I need to login from this service... Explanatio...

how to run service before login
I cann't find how to run it before user login in windows xp :( hint, please

how to run service before login
tanks a lot, but i have some problems. may be, in xp i need to do other actions?

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