User: aldomann

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User profile: aldomann

User info
User name:aldomann
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Huge matrix that adds and deletes rows dynamically
[quote]Why do you need arrays at all, multi-dimensional or otherwise?[/quote] Honestly, no idea. Whe...

Huge matrix that adds and deletes rows dynamically
[quote]I still can't see what sort of entities I[] and eta[] are, and where they have been set.[/quo...

Huge matrix that adds and deletes rows dynamically
I guess you are right, I could reuse the [code]v[/code] vector (my original plan) and check if the n...

Huge matrix that adds and deletes rows dynamically
The reason why I need the whole matrix is because I need to implement a refractory time to the neuro...

Huge matrix that adds and deletes rows dynamically
I'm trying to simulate the mean behaviour of an ensemble of neurons. This means I need to do calcula...

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