User: albertBcn92

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User profile: albertBcn92

User info
User name:albertBcn92
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

Linking my static library
Okay I found the problem. I had never built a static library with C++. I didn't know that I needed t...

Linking my static library
Sorry, the main you see in the src folder is only for test purpose with the classes of the library. ...

Linking my static library
Hi, I have written a C++ library as a beginner project. I have created a Makefile with the instructi...

Problem with MakeFile
I changed it to private because it is based on a tutorial book, so in fact I (think) don't have the ...

Problem with MakeFile
Ok thanks! The first problem I saw that in the code that I downloaded from the web of the book it u...

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