User: akimatsu123

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User profile: akimatsu123

User info
User name:akimatsu123
Joined:May 3, 2008 at 2:03pm
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

strange error
i cant, for the life of me, figure out what is wrong with this program. i get a segmentation error. ...

Using a function to change the data in a struct
you access members of a structure by the syntax StructName.ElemName. so i am guessing you want to...

header file?
hi, what exactly is the function of a header file? i wrote a program with two source codes, and link...

Windows API
buying books is difficult where i live because i don't live in an english speaking country. also, i'...

Windows API
Hi, Where would i find a good tutorial for windows API? I began learning C++ in linux, and i've p...

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