User: ajuneja

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User profile: ajuneja

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User name:ajuneja
Number of posts:10
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Tell me the output
[code]int main() { int i=300; int j=400; printf("%d..%d); } [/code] I am getting garbage va...

beginning with cplusplus!!!!!
yes it is there in include. still m finding this error. moreover my IDE is not allowing [i] using na...

beginning with cplusplus!!!!!
[code]# include<stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> int main...

beginning with cplusplus!!!!!
[quote] he may never get to see any Solaris or Mac machine because mac is just too costly to be pro...

beginning with cplusplus!!!!!
@mgupta- thnku so much fr ur suggestions.... u are right bout my college n teachers .... they only h...

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