How do I instantiate a templated doubly linked list with strings?Alright. I removed all NULL comparisons and made them 0. I am running it using this driver. So I t...
How do I instantiate a templated doubly linked list with strings?It compiles when I remove [code] List<std::string> DoublyLinkedList3 = List<std::string>(); [/code] ...
How do I instantiate a templated doubly linked list with strings?I'm trying to create a doubly linked list filled with strings. It works with chars and ints but when...
Why is my templeted linkedlist outputting '0' ?Oh. Well that makes sense. Adding data to the node fixed it. So my constructor should have this str...
Why is my templeted linkedlist outputting '0' ?here [code] nl1->addToHead(num); [/code]
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