User: abellia

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User profile: abellia

User info
User name:abellia
Number of posts:29
Latest posts:

outputting array as string
You can't append an integer to a string with +=: [code]sortedList+=list[k];[/code] Instead, create...

A reference refers to another variable - it's really that simple. Normally, when you make a functio...

Automatically generated variables in loops?
Accumulate the values in something like a vector. [code] /* calc_rev2 */ #include <cstdio> #in...

Problem with pointers to a string
Instead, how about: [code] #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; string getLe...

1+1 and 1+100, theoretically, is there any execution speed difference?
Modern computers operate on things other than bits (1s and 0s). They have circuits that allow them ...

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