User: Zortisx

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User profile: Zortisx

User info
User name:Zortisx
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Unable to call/reference methods from other .cpp files using main.cpp.
newbieg, his switch isn't working with strings he's working with: [code]int grade;[/code] when he gi...

Unable to call/reference methods from other .cpp files using main.cpp.
[quote]I haven't plugged your code into an IDE to test it[/quote] You should, there are a lot more e...

Unable to call/reference methods from other .cpp files using main.cpp.
If you go to your main.cpp and just add: [code]#include "GradeBook.cpp"[/code] It'll fix your undefi...

reading Weapons from text file
You could use an XML type thing e.g: <damage> 10 </damage> <name> cool sword </name> Though you'd ...

Unable to call/reference methods from other .cpp files using main.cpp.
1.) You haven't actually included GradeBook.cpp anywhere 2.) [code]"\"exceeds maximum lenght(25). \n...

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