User: ZoranV

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User profile: ZoranV

User info
User name:ZoranV
Joined:Oct 5, 2017 at 6:59am
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

CSPRNG for everyone! (or Do you hate std::random_device?)
Okay, Thank you. You might also consider just making an alias in csprng.hpp, so the example will bec...

CSPRNG for everyone! (or Do you hate std::random_device?)
Thanks, Duthomas, in Code::Blocks I had to add csprng.hpp to the project (I mistakenly thought that ...

CSPRNG for everyone! (or Do you hate std::random_device?)
Sorry, ne555, but I still can't make it work. This is exact text copied from my IDE: [code] #include...

CSPRNG for everyone! (or Do you hate std::random_device?)
Hello, Duthomhas, I cannot compile (g++ 5.4.0, Code::Blocks 16.01, Linux Mint 18.1) the first examp...

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