User profile: Zadd

User info
User name:Zadd
Name:Zachery Johnson
Location:Phoenix, Arizona
Bio:Hello, my name is Zachery Johnson. I am quite new to C++, however, I have had experience with other coding languages such as Lua represented from, which I do realize isn't legit Lua, but it had helped me to understand most language in a general sense. I also have a hang of VB.NET from Visual Basic Studio 10. I usually create programs for helping friends achieve greater distances in anything they tell me to do. My greatest VB.NET creation is "Internet Robloxer 2.0" which is a web browser for "" that helps everyone with basic functions everyone wishes they had already. I have also made a program called "NeoBux Alerter" which basically was a window that alerted you if there was a new advertisement available to be viewed on "" Since you had to view the advertisement with human eyes, it did not go against their policies, but thanks to my program, NeoBux Created Term 2-11 banned me from their site, and took my idea of a sound alerter, and implicated it onto their site. (Life's a bitch ain't it? XD) I could care less, I feel damn proud I made some kinda large impact like that. Haha.
Number of posts:2
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Hello Everyone, I am new to the forums! :D
There is no simple tutorials online? I have to buy a book to start? =o

Hello Everyone, I am new to the forums! :D
Hello! My name is Zachery Johnson. I am 17 years old, turning 18 in a month or so. I've always been ...