User: Yeyk

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User profile: Yeyk

User info
User name:Yeyk
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Kaprekar in C++ ?
Well, I already made something, but I don't know if it will works, I undestand what my teacher says,...

Kaprekar in C++ ?
I need to make a program in C to obtain the number series of the Kaprekar operation. The first integ...

Program that calculates the largest and smallest number, and the average
Hey!! I just did that, but now I need that when it writes a letter or symbol it prints "Error"... be...

Program that calculates the largest and smallest number, and the average
Hello world! I need help with this program, I barely understand something of C++, so, I only got the...

trigonometric identities
I need the user to enter two angles in degrees in the following way: x + y or x-y. and verify throu...

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