User: Xianto

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User profile: Xianto

User info
User name:Xianto
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

Send HEX data over TCP/IP
As i said... if you have a char type, what ever you want, char, wchar, signed or unsigned, the hexad...

Send HEX data over TCP/IP
I mean hexadecimal... 84 FA EF 00 01 EF 05 31 01 01 01 20 F9 C7 DC 79 80 99 F1 F2 F3

Send HEX data over TCP/IP
Hello everyone. I have this code: [code] #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespa...

Problem with Hex and Char
Hello... I have a little problem with my program, i need to send over TCP a value... This is m...

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