User: Voyevoda

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User profile: Voyevoda

User info
User name:Voyevoda
Number of posts:12
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if statement and char arrays
Ah, I thought I was defining the length of the string. [output]if (PlayerRN == "Jackson")[/output] ...

if statement and char arrays
Please expand on your response. More information and how to fix if you could please.

if statement and char arrays
Thats the whole program. Problem is under iChoice1. [output]#include <iostream> #include <string...

if statement and char arrays
c:\users\admin\_prog\lemonadestand\lemonadestand\lemonadestand.cpp(20): error C2446: '==' : no conve...

if statement and char arrays
Okay, lets do it this way. When you look at the code I posted last post. What is wrong with it?

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