User: VirSawant

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User profile: VirSawant

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User name:VirSawant
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

I'm unable to use clrscr function.... i'm using DEV C++. i've included stdio.h and even conio.h ...

Need Help.!!!!!
ya i tested for 25 ............. it's not working again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( but why ...

Need Help.!!!!!
superb............... thank u all . @computergeek01 i'll also check about trial division.. just read...

Need Help.!!!!!
@hamsterman - *********************************************** #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> ma...

Need Help.!!!!!
thnx. i'll see trial division and let you people know. I'm a beginner... will need help ...

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