User: Violetzz

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User profile: Violetzz

User info
User name:Violetzz
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

Read and write file C++
Oh I see, thank you very much for helping me.

Read and write file C++
I just learned on how to read and write file, and I did some practices on it. However, I'm quite con...

why I didn't get my desire input?
wait, I just realized what do you mean by pass by ref, sorry for my silly mistakes T_T, I just start...

why I didn't get my desire input?
Oh, I'm sorry, this is my modified main function [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...

why I didn't get my desire input?
I tried to do my functions something like this, but still, it print out sum of x < 100, even I enter...

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