User: TunaPete

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User profile: TunaPete

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User name:TunaPete
Number of posts:24
Latest posts:

Sorting indices of a matrix with qsort
I haven't understood all the details yet, but it looks awesome. Thanks a ton!!!

program wont solve
What is the actual ouptut? Do u get a numeric value? I repeat (and ogh said this too): [code]tax(...

program wont solve
So if u buy a burger and then enter 50 as cash the output is?

Need program that uses Pointers for Int, double & Char
*(++ip) means that ip will point at a different adress that u have not assigned. What u want to do i...

program wont solve
Does it compile? I guess one error is that cin>> cash; is after the call of tax(...), but u need to ...

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