User: Tset Tsyung

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User profile: Tset Tsyung

User info
User name:Tset Tsyung
Number of posts:29
Latest posts:

DirectX Basic Blank screen jams... why?
Sorted! Turns out it's not a good idea having the DefWindowProc command in the default case for t...

DirectX Basic Blank screen jams... why?
Hi all, Just gotten a basic blank DirectX screen up... but some reason isn't processing the WM_...

How do I draw regular(convex) polyogns
Hi all, I admit straight off I only got a B in Maths when I left school (something which I regret...

How to close multiple windows individually (Beginner)
Oh my word, what a total pleb I am!!!! There must be a special word for this kind of stupid lol. ...

How to close multiple windows individually (Beginner)
Hi all, I've just started to learn Win32 API stuf via the "Tricks of the Windows Game Programming...

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