User: Trashcan42

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User profile: Trashcan42

User info
User name:Trashcan42
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

Problem with functions and triangle sides
I'm trying to make a function that assigns numbers to types of triangles when given 3 numbers. Ex: 3...

How to display vectors without a definite number
That...was awesome, thank you. Works perfectly! ^.^

How to display vectors without a definite number
I apologize if the title is too vague, but here is my issue. I've written a program that inputs numb...

Issue with simple while loop
When I put the 'cin' into the loop it doesn't end, it'll repeat the 'cout's' over and over and over....

Issue with simple while loop
So my current code works in Dev C++ but doesn't work in the SSH client (which I'm to understand is U...

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