User profile: TonyMUK

User info
User name:TonyMUK
Name:Tony Moran
Location:West Yorkshire, England
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

I just use a timer and then work with the WM_TIMER message. I set the timer to 1000 milliseconds and...

C++ Timer
Are you using SetTimer and the WM_TIMER message?

Beginner's Lesson in C++
I really wouldn't recommend Visual c++ 2010 for someone wanting to learn c++. It does too much in th...

Beginner's Lesson in C++
Wanting rather than needing to learn it would be a good start. The tutorial on here is a very good s...

According to VS, I'm <<mising ";" before "*">>...
Line 11 has Firefighter spelt wrong. It is missing an "i".